hojas otoño
29.08.2014 17:55
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Making them is nice and easy. Grab some white round coffee filters like these and download and print our Fall Leaf Template. Use the paper leaf as a guide to cut out coffee filter leaves. You can cut through 3-5 coffee filters at once, even if you're using kid scissors because you can't find your grown-up scissors. :)
Have your child use an eyedropper or paintbrush to apply liquid watercolors. If you don't have liquid watercolors, you can use food coloring that's slightly diluted with water (just a few drops of water to dilute).
We used red, tangerine, orange, and yellow liquid watercolors for our leaves. It was so fun to watch the colors mix and swirl.
I moved the finished leaves (they can be a little delicate, so this part is probably best for an adult) onto a sheet of plastic wrap. When we were experimenting while making our coffee filter flowers, we discovered that resting the wet colored filters on something that resisted rather than absorbed the moisture (like a paper towel) resulted in much more vibrant colors. Making a circle of tape with the sticky side out, we taped the leaves on the backside to the window.
And now our windows are ready for fall!