esqueleto con arroz

30.08.2013 18:02

What you'll need:

  • 1 sheet black cardstock paper
  • Black marker
  • Small scrap of white cardstock
  • Glue
  • Large hole punch
  • Small hole punch
  • Ribbon (6 inches)
  • Small handful of rice
  • Q-tip
  • Paper plate or cup
How to make your rice skeletons:
  1. Using the large hole punch, punch a circle out of the black cardstock. If you do not have a large hole punch, simply cut out a circle that is two to three inches in diameter. Use the small hole punch to make a hole in the top of the black cardstock circle. (see photos)
  2. Put some glue on the paper plate or paper cup. Dip the Q-tip into the glue and swipe it down the center of the black cardstock circle. Place five pieces of rice on top of the glue. (see photos)
  3. Using glue and the Q-tip, glue three grains of rice on either side of the line of rice. This is the skeleton’s rib cage. (see photos)
  4. Using the Q-tip, draw an upside down “V” with the point of the “V” connecting to the bottom of the line on the rib cage. Cover the lines of the “V” with three pieces of rice on either side. These are the skeleton’s legs. To create the feet, draw two small horizontal lines at the bottom of the “V” shape you created and place two grains of rice on each of the lines of glue. (see photos)
  5. To make the arms, on either side draw a horizontal line at the top of the rib cage with the Q-tip. Cover the line with two pieces of rice on either side. Then, use the Q-tip to make a smaller line that is diagonally connected to the horizontal line. Cover these lines with two pieces of rice each. Finally, make a third smaller line, that is at a slight angle from the second line and cover this with one piece of rice. (see photos)
  6. Using scissors, cut a small skeleton-shaped head from the cardstock. Use a marker to draw a face, if desired. Glue the head to the top of the skeleton’s rib cage. Allow the glue to dry. (see photos)
  7. Once the glue is dry, thread a ribbon through the small hole in the top and tie a knot so that it hangs.
  8. Your skeleton is now complete… go find a place to hang it!

rice skeleton craftrice skeleton craft suppliesrice skeleton arms